Machine Learning

Using artificial intelligence, we at IQ support our clients' endeavours with custom solutions based on proprietary or open source algorithms and frameworks. Using this data allows our clients to process data and run sophisticated algorithms on Cloud and Edge.

Natural Language Processing

We at IQ analyse the code to perform tasks like Sentiment Analysis, Information Extraction, Intent Recognition, and Text Categorisation. These readings allow us to craft AI based NLP Applications using the best Natural Language Processing techniques and tools.

Predictive Modelling

We help our clients create and deploy predictive, analytic solutions that introduce advanced capabilities enabling faster, and more accurate decision making.

Advanced Analytics

We help enterprises and brands discover, analyse and interpret data, enabling them to better navigate all facets of the digital landscape and deliver tangible business results.

Business Intelligence Reporting

Developing and deploying enterprise processes, as well as integrating and managing related technologies to streamline the decision making, provides our clients with accurately predicted metrics and KPIs that they can access through dynamic dashboards.

Data Lake

Combining proven approaches and technologies with consulting and implementation services, we deliver powerful search and analytics applications to advance your data lake’s insight discovery capabilities.