Crisis Marketing In Tourism With Twitter

Category : Travel and Tourism
IQ Capabilities : Data

The Business Challenge

When a series of bomb blasts hit several locations in Sri Lanka on April 21st 2019, the local Tourism Industry was immediately impacted.

At IQ, we wanted to understand the adverse sentiments about Sri Lanka especially amongst the UK market which included an average of 600,000 British tourists who visited Sri Lanka annually.

What We Did

The IQ Team worked with Twitter, who gave us access to the Twitter API, helping us to gather data in 7-day cycles.

Data was then attributed based on town, location, and other select user demographics to understand what they were saying about Sri Lanka.

The Results

The data gathered by IQ fed a sentiment map that aided our clients in their overall messaging strategy, helping them in crafting their messaging and targeting.

This service was offered to all our clients in the Tourism Industry.