
Category : Telecommunications - Media & Content
IQ Capabilities : Business Design, Design, Data, Tech, Digital Marketing

The Business Challenge

A brand diagnosis revealed sub-par watch time and open rate in an otherwise growing video-hungry market segment. The blurred lines between different market segments limited iflix from delivering the right content to capture greater viewer interest.

What We Did

In order to position iflix as the ideal platform to consume content, iflix data was organized and mined for insights. Predictive analytics was utilized for market identification and possible consumer segments which aided the development of a ‘taste community.’ We engaged with local content creators to create original content for the platform, helping the brand gain a USP.

The Results

IQ developed a recommendation engine which was based on taste communities. Each market segment was devised with specific value propositions, which culminated in watch time growth of over 200%. iFlix achieved the position of No. 1 Video Streaming App in Sri Lanka.