Category : Logistics
IQ Capabilities : Data, Design, Tech

The Business Challenge

EFL’s 3PL services was a traditional offering that needed better discoverability both online and offline to improve client reach. Its inadequacy in digital reach and its information deficit were the root causes of poor consumer engagement.

What We Did

To transcend the brand from its traditional offering, IQ’s initial discovery concluded that 3PL is not about scale but about agility. It is not about large warehouse space or handling large volumes. It is about smaller volumes, shorter lead times with a flexible supply chain operation
IQ completed a Brand Audit, conducted business clinics, and worked with the business users to create a new brand mantra.

The Results

The brand personality was updated and incorporated into the design of a new website. The website also created a new online go-to-market channel.

IQ’s efforts resulted in an innovation pipeline which helps create more agile services from a traditional 3PL warehouse.

EFL Digital Roadmap

Category : Logistics
IQ Capabilities : Data, Design, Tech

The Business Challenge

Facing fierce competition from a host of newcomers, logistics organizations trail behind the digital curve compared to other industries. New technologies are enabling greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models; they're also re-shaping the marketplace. Companies are now implementing technology-based changes in essential logistics functions across various internal processes. Therefor, for logistics to transform it is fundamental that the information flow matches the flow of goods, which was an insight identified for EFL's transformation. In order for EFL to move in-parallel with this paradign shift, there was a strong need for technology and strategic digital implementation.

What We Did

Initially commenced an audit to gather an understanding on the underlying core systems, organizational readiness, industry objectives and directions required to detail the necessary execution. Thereafter, created a digital strategy and transformation road map, facilitated and executed it as a way of embracing digital transformation at EFL.

The Results

Step 1: Accelerate - Initiated business and digital transformation by aligning the company's strategy, workforce, culture, technology, and structure to meet the digital expectations of customers, employees, and partners. The main outcome was aligning people, process and tech. One standardized system for all countries following one workflow, one method of collecting data and one way of working. IQ also initiated sustainable change management practices across 67 EFL offices globally.

Step 2: Create - Under this work-space value optimizing initiatives were planned and mapped. Key implementations and investments were required to push the organization towards the desired outcome. This saw an innovation pipeline, new digital products and new digital business models been developed for the business. EFL is now a continuously transforming Digital Organization as it evolves from a traditional company to a digitized logistics company.