
Category : Human Resources & Management
IQ Capabilities : Design, Digital Marketing

The Business Challenge

Singapore leading coding and robotics school extended its services to the Sri Lankan Market. Content on social media channels was not localized and lacked clear messaging on the services provided. The challenge was to create a strong identity for Create Lab in the local market and build a strong social media presence in order to drive awareness and conversions.

What We Did

Analyzed the market and conducted consumer research, to identify different customer personas and their respective needs in the context of services provided by Skuad. A content strategy, digital marketing strategy was to developed to create awareness of the platform and increase the user base.

The Results

Use of digital channels such Google Ads and Linked ads to target the specific professionals and corporates who frequently engage on these channels and meet the targeting criteria of Skuad. Significantly increases website traffic for registration and service awareness purposes. Lead generation campaigns were setup to achieve client overall sales objectives.